The ghosts are back... and they're scented too!



It's the last day of October and it's getting dark. It's Sunday, but tomorrow we don't work or go to school for All Saints Day. The innocent girl looks through her cosmetics and decides to wear a beauty mask. In her beauty operation she doesn't pay too much attention to the unusual noises she hears on the street, but she jumps in her chair when, in the mirror, she sees a smoky and black figure moving, which seems to take refuge in the perfume bottle. She calms down aloud: "Impossible! Spirits are not reflected in mirrors". Out of scruple, she checks the bottle: the perfume is Black phantom di Kilian. It really must be the suggestion that evokes the night in which fears are exorcised. The damsel returns to the mirror and, this time, she seems to see none other than a cowboy covered in dust sitting on her windowsill! She screams in terror, but when she turns around, the window is closed and nobody is there: only the bottle of 03 Lonestar Memories. "I have to rest, I'm hallucinating", she emphasizes almost shouting. She decides to give the mirror a good clean before jumping to conclusions and, at that point, she notices that the halos she is removing have exactly the outlines of those figures she glimpsed earlier.

Once she gets back to the window, she realizes that the blue bottle of leather perfume is Tauer fall to the ground is in the company of that of Mojave Ghost di Byredo. Disconsolate, the girl picks up both bottles and puts them back on the perfume shelf: "They fall and they don't even make a sound, how strange". She suddenly turns on the tablet and starts a video with a slew of images of the gigantic incense censer of Santiago de Compostela! The dazed girl even smells the smell in the room and, moving the device to turn it off, she realizes that she is supported by botafumeiro (oh, this perfume is called just like the sprinkler in the Basque church!). More and more restless, she decides to call her friend who is a little spirited and a little spiritualist and, half-jokingly, explains to her what happened. "The spirits are trying to communicate with you, on this evening which makes the boundary between the world of the living and that of the dead very blurred", the girl on the other end of the phone affirms in a confident voice. Ok, now the young girl is seriously scared, even if usually she doesn't believe in this nonsense: ghosts, spirits and burials are not for her.

She hasn't finished mulling over her friend's words yet, when she rolls them at her feet 1885 Bains Sulfureux and she also seems to smell sulphur. At this round, she gives responsibility to the match used to light the scented candle which was supposed to cover the smell of the incense from before. "But shouldn't sulfur make me think of devils? And, what the hell, I'm getting a little too carried away by this macabre atmosphere!", She exclaims with conviction. Suddenly, a long vowel from her half-spiritual friend arrives on her smartphone: "I discovered that in 1885 a Swiss chemist moved to Texas, but got lost in the Californian Mojave desert a few months after his arrival. He was gone there to look for traces of an elusive black specter of a man killed with a poisoned leather thong". At that point, the girl cuts off the audio because she hears a thud again and she notices the bottle of perfume on the ground. 03 Cuir Venenum by Pierre Guillaume: at least this time the noise was heard! The long-distance conversation with her friend is really making her cringe. The audio file starts again from the telephone: "It seems that he was killed for love by one of her lovers. He was a bit too libertine and she was a very jealous woman". This time the scene becomes decidedly more blatant and, out of nowhere, she flies a knife directly onto the bed, from who knows where.

Enough is enough! The poor girl screams with all the breath in her body and throws herself out of the house in a panic. Out there she finds her brother and her friend laughing like crazy. The brother is wearing a dusty cowboy suit and the girl says to her, between laughs: "It was all a joke, why didn't you give sweets to the kids who asked you 'trick or treat?'. They were. I was offended and told them I'd help them rip you off. I made a deal with your brother and we concocted this whole scene, you fell for it like a tuna!". Immediately afterwards, from the next garden, the masked children arrive to make matters worse. Finally, the friend adds, in a somewhat preachy tone: "she just tries to be a little less selfish and participates a little in what happens around you!".

Happy Halloween from Ottaviano!

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