La Mer

La Mer is a brand that offers cosmetics of the highest level. It all began in the second half of the twentieth century with the revolutionary experiments of Dr. Huber, author of a prodigious cell renewal elixir based on the rare seaweed from the waters of Vancouver Island. The company, extremely attentive to the sustainability of its marine products, is committed with determination to preserve and protect underwater habitats around the world.

Find out more about the brand La Mer

La Mer, the unstoppable force of the sea

La Mer is a brand that has always devoted itself to quality, with a wide range of creams, serums, tonics, make-up, cleansers and lotions that meet the highest international standards of excellence in cosmetics. Its story begins in the 60s with the legendary work of Dr. Max Huber, a German aerospace physicist responsible for creating a cream capable of healing his skin burned during a bad accident. Before reaching the coveted goal, Huber would have carried out over six thousand hours of experiments in twelve years of research on giant brown algae collected off Vancouver Island, subjecting them to months of fermentation and sound and light impulses with extremely rigorous manual procedures . The result obtained from these decidedly unusual practices in the cosmetics sector is a prodigious cell renewal elixir called Miracle Broth, considered one of the most powerful and effective active skin treatments ever created. Crème de moisturizer La Mer, based on the extraordinary Miracle Broth, is still the flagship product of La Mer and benefits from the same craftsmanship Huber conceived more than half a century ago.

La Mer does not fear comparisons

Carrying on the philosophy and principles of Dr. Huber, La Mer for itself an almost mythological role among the most famous international cosmetic brands, thanks to the exclusive and uncompromising formulation of its valuable products. Even after being acquired by the Estée Lauder group, the company has maintained an approach that is as green and virtuous as possible, actively engaging in ocean conservation with the project La Mer Blue Heart Oceans Fund. Ottaviano Parfums et Beauté is an authorized reseller of the brand La Mer, whose products can be purchased in the Borgomanero boutique or in this online shop. To discover all the peculiarities of each cosmetic in the catalog and choose the one that best suits your needs, you can take advantage of our exclusive free personalized consultancy service simply clicking here!

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